Join facilitators Kat Hossack and Judy Lefort for an introductory seminar on practicing from a trauma aware perspective.
This seminar is for practitioners seeking to bring a trauma sensitive context to their client care and who want to bridge the gap between content and context. Through discussions and practical experiences we will explore the most recent evidence in trauma informed practice.
Offering client facing services from a trauma aware perspective requires more than just text book information. In this workshop we introduce trauma sensitive work with the intent of supporting practitioners in developing a way of being that allows their clients to work towards returning resiliency into their lives.
Trauma-awareness has implications for all service practitioners, from allied health processions, alternative practitioners and first response or front line health care practitioners.
This workshop is ideal for Athletic Therapists, Physiotherapists, Personal Trainers, Massage Therapists, Osteopaths, Coaches, Mental Health Providers and Health Care Providers who are working with chronic pain, injury management or behavioral change within the general population as well as first responder populations or athletic populations.
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